Archive For The “Animals” Category
I am in a good mood today! Yeah I know you’re not used to it and frankly, me neither! Anyway, I am happy to show you my Collection of Cats in Panama City today and I hope you enjoy it! And if you don’t, that’s fine too!… First of all, I…
I took me quite a while to get a correct picture of this Well-Hidden Iguana in Panama! Lots of patience and tries of hiding myself! I was finally lucky enough to get this one! You and I know that’s not my favorite but there are so many animals in Panama that it would be bad to…
I am pleased to introduce you to my Well Fed Pelican in Panama City! Maybe you remember the Duet of Pelicans that I posted earlier? If not you can catch up here! This one is one of them. They had quite a fight over the food this day. Luckily, it finally ended very well and both…
Each time I walk in the city, I stop by the fish market to enjoy a ceviche! You should try sometime. Last time, I stumbled upon this Duet of Pelicans in Panama City and I wanted to bring them to you! They were very attentive about what was going on around them and you bet, being…
When I saw this dog, I had to stop and take a picture. It soon became my « Fearless Dog in Panama »! It really amused me to see the writing and the yellow tape, and yet, the dog was checking on something inside the building. Don’t ask me why, I have no clue! That was once…
I found out most people love cats! The opposite is not always true… What I really like about cats is their independence. They mostly don’t give a shit about humans until they decide to. They are not constantly begging for attention and for the most part, they live their life at its fullest. I wish…
I understand you may think I am totally crazy seeing my Birds Turned in Nightmare Creatures but you also know that I don’t really care about you liking it or not as long as it gives you an emotion. This emotion doesn’t have to be positive. It can be fear, sadness, disgust, WHATEVER. If you feel…
I really had fun taking this picture. I called him the Waiting Cat but I was definitely the one waiting FOR the cat! He never turned back, he was just behaving like the little bastard he is! Cats are all the same, « I come once I decide to. Dare to force me! ». He had such…